TITLE: Title
Energy and Climate Protection Plan and Community Climate Action Plan Implementation Update
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the Town Council on Energy and Climate Protection Plan and Community Climate Action Plan Implementation Efforts.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT INFORMATION: Laura Janway, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, ljanway@townofcarrboro.org, (919) 918-7342; Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org, (919) 918-7327
INFORMATION: The purpose of this item is to provide the Board with an update on the implementation of two climate action plans, the municipal Energy and Climate Protection Plan (ECPP) and Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP). Work on the ECPP has been underway since the Board’s adoption on May 28, 2014. (A complete copy of the ECPP can be found at: http://www.townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/553/Energy--Climate-Protection-Plan-2014). Progress on the CCAP has been ongoing since the Board’s adoption of the plan on January 24, 2017. (A complete copy of the CCAP may be found at: http://www.townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/4116/Community-Climate-Action-Plan).
This update includes a detailed report describing ECPP and CCAP implementation since the January update (Attachment B), recommendations from the Environmental Advisory Board for the ECPP and CCAP (Attachment C), updated versions of the ECPP (Attachment D) and CCAP (Attachment E), and a report detailing the results of the Town’s 2019 Community Climate Action Plan Survey (Attachment F).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: There is no fiscal or staff impact related to this update.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends the Town Council consider the attached resolution to receive the report and accept the updated Energy and Climate Protection Plan and Community Climate Action Plan.