File #: 21-65    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/23/2021 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 4/6/2021 Final action:
Title: Transportation Projects Update PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Town Council with information about the status of various transportation projects around Town.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Transportation Projects Report, 2. Attachment B - NCDOT NCNMVDP 2014-2020 Data Summary Report, 3. Attachment C - Draft Town Code Amendments for Shared Active Transportation Systems
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TITLE: Title

 Transportation Projects Update 

PURPOSE:   The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Town Council with information about the status of various transportation projects around Town.




CONTACT INFORMATION:  Zachary Hallock, 919-918-7329, <>; Tina Moon, 919-918-7325, <>; Trish McGuire, 919-918-7327, <> 




The Transportation Projects Update memo can be found as Attachment A.


A summary of all bike-ped data collected by the ITRE automated counters (Dec 2014 through Nov 2020) on the Libba Cotten Bikeway and Old NC Hwy 86 can be found as Attachment B.


A draft of the Town Code Amendments associated with Bike Share, E-Bikes and other micromobility devices have been developed by staff and can be found as Attachment C. These amendments are still in development and will be subject to additional internal review by other Town Staff prior to bringing back a final version for consideration by Council. Any feedback recieved can help inform the final version.


FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT:  There is no impact associated with receiving the report.


RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend that council receive the report and provide additional feedback on the NC 54 crossing locations, potential bike share pilot hub locations, and draft bike share Town Code amendments.