TITLE: Title
Public Hearing - The
203 South Greensboro Project -Approval of Principal Building Design Features
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to provide the Town Council an opportunity to receive an update on the design process and to approve the principal building design features identified to date.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager, Planning, Finance
CONTACT INFORMATION: David Andrews, 919-918-7315, dandrews@townofcarrboro.org; Patricia McGuire 919-918-7327, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org; Arche McAdoo, 919-918-7439, amcadoo@townofcarrboro.org;
INFORMATION: Town Council received a presentation on the status of the design development and principal design features on January 12, 2021. The information was referred to advisory boards and reviews were completed in early March; those reviews included:
Joint Advisory Board Review - March 4 - Appearance Commission, Environmental Advisory Board, Planning Board, Transportation Advisory Board
Recreation and Parks Commission - March 8
Arts Committee and Economic Sustainability Commission - March 10
Stormwater Advisory Commission - March 11
Comments from advisory boards are included as Attachment B. Comments from the Economic Sustainability Commission will be provided separately. The staff working group met on March 12th and materials samples were made available at Town Hall for Town Council review starting April 1.
The Design Development plan set has been completed and Barnhill is preparing a cost estimate. Presentation of the updated cost estimate is scheduled for May 11.
Derek Jones will provide an update on the design features. Approval of these design elements is needed at this time, interior, exterior, and outdoor plaza spaces, so that the Town can move swiftly into the construction drawing phase of the project.
Barnhill staff may join to provide an overview of the construction management process, including staging and traffic management considerations.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: To be determined in ...
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