File #: 24-003    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/10/2024 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 1/30/2024 Final action:
Title: Town Code Amendment to Codify Street Name Change PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council amend the Town Code to change all references to Phipps Street to Lavender Street.
Attachments: 1. A - Town Code Amendment - Replacing Phipps with Lavender, 2. B - Excerpts - Town Code & LUO, 3. C - GIS Map of New Street Addresses, 4. D - Pocket Questions - Lavender Street


Town Code Amendment to Codify Street Name Change


PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council amend the Town Code to change all references to Phipps Street to Lavender Street.






CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon, Planning Administrator, 919-918-7325,; Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, 919-918-7327,


Council Direction


___ Race/Equity   ____ Climate   ____ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other

Council Direction Statement

Section 15-223 of the Land Use Ordinance outlines the process for assigning street names, including appropriate street suffixes as part of development proposals (Attachment B); Section 7-32 of the Town Code outlines the process for the Town administrator to assign building numbers. Racial Equity pocket questions are provided (Attachment D).



INFORMATION: The Town received a request from Brian Pence to change the name of Phipps Street to Lavender Street to disassociate the street from its namesake Luther James Phipps, a local attorney, judge and known segregationist.  Planning staff received the formal petition with signatures from all ten affected property owners in August of 2023.  The street changing process involves a series of steps including notifying the Post Office, Orange County, Emergency Services for 911 calls, and utility companies.  The process was completed in late September.  New street signs were installed shortly thereafter. 

Chapter 6 of the Town Code, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic” outlines regulations for local streets, including but not limited to speed limits, parking restrictions, and the placement of signage such as stop signs.  A draft ordinance to the Town Code has been prepared changing references from Phipps Street to Lavender Street (Attachment A).


Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: The process for changing a street name involves costs and staff time for preparing mailings, and fabricating and installing new street signs.



RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the draft amendment (Attachment A) changing all references for Phipps Street in the Town Code to Lavender Street.
