| 1. | | Agendas | Proclamation - National Invasive Species Awareness Week 2023 | | |
Action details
| 1. | | Agendas | Approval of May 24, 2022 Minutes | | |
Action details
| 2. | | Agendas | A Request to Amend the 2022-2023 HOME Investment Partnership Program Annual Plan
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council consider approving a proposed amendment to the 2022-2023 HOME Investment Partnership Program Annual Plan that was approved by the Town Council on June 14, 2022. The Plan amendment would reallocate $105,000 originally allocated to EmPOWERment, Inc. to acquire a rental unit in Carrboro to instead acquire an affordable rental property in Chapel Hill. | | |
Action details
| 3. | | Agendas | A Request to Approve Amending the 2021-2022 HOME Investment Partnership Program Annual Plan to add the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council consider amending the 2021-2022 HOME Investment Partnership Program Annual Plan approved by the Town Council on May 4, 2021. The Plan amendment would add the Allocation Plan for $1,371,401 in HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) funding. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 4. | | Agendas | Consideration of a Minor Modification Request to the Special Use Permit-A Project at 502-A North Greensboro Street
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council consider approving a Minor Modification request for the Special Use Permit-A for 502-A North Greensboro Street. If approved, the modification would allow Hope Renovations to place a shipping container on the site for use as office space. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 5. | | Agendas | Consideration of a Minor Modification Request to the Special Use Permit-A Project for Estes Park Apartments at 306 Estes Drive
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council consider approving a Minor Modification request for the Special Use Permit-A for Estes Park Apartments at 306 Estes Drive. The modification would allow the property owner to construct a new maintenance building, replace the existing dumpster enclosure area, and remove eighteen parking spaces from the site. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 6. | | Agendas | A Request to Approve a Town Code Amendment to Prohibit Parking on E. Winmore Avenue East of Jewell Drive
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council consider approving an ordinance amending the Carrboro Town Code to prohibit parking on E. Winmore Avenue from Jewell Drive east to Homestead Road. | | |
Action details
| 1. | | Agendas | Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and Independent Audit for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town’s independent auditor, FORVIS LLP, (previously Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP), to present to the Town Council the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. | | |
Action details
| 2. | | Agendas | Amendment to Independent Audit Contract for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council amend the Town’s audit contract to extend the deadline for submission of the audit to the Local Government Commission. | | |
Action details