Meeting Name: Board of Aldermen Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/19/2013 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Chambers - Room 110
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: November 19, 2013 Approved Meeting Minutes November 19, 2013 Approved Meeting Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: November 19, 2013
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-0487 1. AgendasAn Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Town Code to Provide a Violation Dealing with Parking in a Commercial Loading Zone PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to amend the Town Code to provide for a penalty of $25.00 for the offence of parking in a commercial loading zone. Currently, that violation has no associated penalty. Pass Action details Not available
13-0484 2. AgendasPermit Extension Request for Previously Issued Conditional Use Permit for The Butler Mixed-Use CUP at 120 Brewer Lane PURPOSE: The Board is asked to review a request for an extension of the date when a Conditional Use Permit would otherwise expire for The Butler Mixed-Use CUP. The Town Staff recommends approval of the request Pass Action details Not available
13-0475 3. AgendasCultural Arts & Entertainment District Planning Process Follow-up PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide follow-up information pertaining to the cultural arts and entertainment district planning presentation given on October 8, 2013 and request that the funds be reallocated for the planning process.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
13-0485 4. AgendasDiscussion of CUP Extension for Roberson Square Project PURPOSE: The Board of Aldermen is asked to consider whether the extend the date on which a Conditional Use Permit will otherwise expire for the Roberson Square mixed use project at 200 South Greensboro Street Pass Action details Not available
13-0488 5. AgendasScheduling of Early Voting for the 2014 Primary Election at Town Hall PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider hosting the 2014 Primary early voting at Town Hall.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
13-0479 1. AgendasPublic hearing on Land Use Ordinance Amendments Relating to Cell Towers PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance to conform the provisions dealing with cell towers to recent changes in federal and state legislation. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on the draft ordinance. Pass Action details Not available
13-0480 2. AgendasPublic hearing on Land Use Ordinance Amendments Relating to Bike Racks PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance relating to the design of bicycle racks for the fulfillment of bicycle parking requirements. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on the draft ordinance.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
13-0481 3. AgendasPublic hearing on Land Use Ordinance Amendments Relating to Construction Management Plans PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance requiring Construction Management Plans for development projects meeting certain criteria. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on the draft ordinance.   Action details Not available
13-0482 4. AgendasPublic hearing on Land Use Ordinance Amendments to Allow Additional Uses in the M-1 Zoning Districts with a Conditional Use Permit PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance to allow additional uses in the M-1 zoning district with a conditional use permit, subject to certain criteria. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on the draft ordinance.referredPass Action details Not available
13-0483 1. AgendasStatewide Transportation Improvement Program Prioritization and Consideration of Surface Transportation Program-Direct Apportionment and Transportation Alternatives Program Funding Priorities PURPOSE: The Board of Aldermen is asked to consider several resolutions relating to approval of transportation project priorities for the current development of the STIP and allocation of STP-DA and TAP funds.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0486 2. AgendasA Discussion of the Process for Filling the Alderman Seat Vacated by the Election of Mayor Lavelle PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to allow the Board of Aldermen to discuss, and possibly decide, which method they will use to fill the upcoming vacancy on the Board.tabled  Action details Not available