Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Town Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/23/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Room 110
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Approved April 23, 2024 Meeting Minutes Approved April 23, 2024 Meeting Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-065 1. Consent AgendaMorgan Creek Greenway Supplemental Agreement & Capital Project Ordinance PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council consider authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Supplemental Agreement with NCDOT and adopting a new capital project ordinance for Morgan Creek Greenway Phase 1 (EL-4828A) to reflect additional funding and update the project milestones.   Not available Not available
24-076 2. AgendasRequest to Set a Legislative Public Hearing PURPOSE: To request the Town Council consider setting a public hearing on text amendments to the Land Use Ordinance relating to water quality buffers, road buffers, fences, and setback variances. A resolution setting a public hearing for June 4, 2024, is provided.   Not available Not available
24-070 3. AgendasResolution Issuing a Business Revolving Loan PURPOSE: To approve a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to issue a Business Revolving Loan Program loan of $32,000 plus closing costs to Heather Swanson.   Not available Not available
24-078 4. AgendasAn Ordinance to Amend the Town Code PURPOSE: To increase the civil penalty of parking in a handicapped parking space without the appropriate tag or identification from $50 to $250.   Not available Not available
24-071 5. AgendasSouth Greensboro St. Sidewalk Supplemental Agreement and Capital Project Ordinance PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council consider authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Supplemental Agreement with NCDOT and to adopt a new capital project ordinance for the South Greensboro Street Sidewalk Project (C-5650) to expand the project scope, reflect additional funding and update the project milestones.   Not available Not available
24-079 1. AgendasLegislative Public Hearing on Land Use Ordinance Text Amendments PURPOSE: The Town has received a request for text amendments to the Land Use Ordinance to add a new restaurant use for neighborhood cafes and to allow additional residential density in certain zoning districts. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Town Council must receive public comment before making a decision.   Not available Not available
24-067 1. General AgendaAmerican Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Reallocation PURPOSE: This agenda item seeks Town Council approval to reallocate funds within the ARPA fund for two proposals from affordable housing nonprofit providers, maintenance and repair of recreation facilities and bolster the program providing financial assistance to qualified Carrboro residents.   Not available Not available
24-087 2. General AgendaAward American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for Affordable Housing Units PURPOSE: This agenda item seeks Town Council approval to fund two proposals from affordable housing nonprofit providers.   Not available Not available
24-072 3. AgendasSpecial Use Permit-A Extension Request PURPOSE: Town Council is asked to consider approving a request for an extension for a Special Use Permit-A for Veridia Architecturally Integrated Subdivision at 810 Old Fayetteville Road   Not available Not available