TITLE: Title
Affordable Housing Goals and Strategies, Part I
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider the goals and strategies associated with affordable homeownership that have been developed by the Affordable Housing Task Force.
INFORMATION: The Affordable Housing Task Force has considered comments provided by the Board of Aldermen at the February 2, 2014 retreat (<https://carrboro.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=278066&GUID=F2713EBD-9C05-4602-B308-7A16220066DD&Options=info|&Search>) and other information provided by representatives of the affordable housing and development communities. Mike Brough, Town Attorney, provided the attached email following questions at the retreat regarding whether and how waivers of school impact fees and utility connections were handled (Attachment A). The Task Force has prepared an overview describing its recent work, introducing the goals and strategies, and outlining next steps (Attachment B). An updated set of goals and strategies related to homeownership is included as Attachment C. Attachment D presents overarching priorities associated with the goals and strategies for supporting both affordable homeownership and rental opportunities. A schedule for consideration by the Board of Aldermen and the greater community has been identified and is as follows:
Date |
Action |
April 8, 2014 |
Worksession on affordable homeownership, goals and strategies |
May 13, 2014 |
Worksession on affordable rentals, goals and strategies and the allocation of affordable housing special revenue funds |
June 25, 2014 |
Public Hearing on Affordable Housing Goals and Strategies |
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Nominal impacts associated with this worksession. Fiscal and staff impacts, as yet undetermined in extent, can be anticipated from implementation of goals and strategies.
RECOMMENDATION:r Consider the goals and strategies and recommended schedule, and provide feedback to the Task Force.