TITLE: Title
203 South Greensboro Project - Resolution and Updated Capital Project Ordinance Relating to Site Plan and Design Development Cost Estimate
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to consider approval of a resolution related to the site plan and updated capital project ordinance for the 203 Project.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager, Planning, Finance, Public Works
CONTACT INFORMATION: David Andrews, 919-918-7315, dandrews@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:dandrews@townofcarrboro.org>; Patricia McGuire 919-918-7327, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org>; Arche McAdoo, 919-918-7439, amcadoo@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:amcadoo@townofcarrboro.org>; Ben Schmadeke, 919-918-7424, bschmadeke@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:bschmadeke@townofcarrboro.org>; Marty Roupe, 919-918-7333, mroupe@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:mroupe@townofcarrboro.org>
INFORMATION: A public hearing was held on June 15th for review of the site plan and design development cost estimate for the 203 Project. The 203 Project is a collaborative effort of the Town of Carrboro and Orange County to develop a new public building and associated parking on Town property at 203 S. Greensboro Street. The new building will house the Orange County Southern Branch Library, the Town of Carrboro Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Resources programs, WCOM Radio, the Orange County Skills Development Center, and more. See 203Project.org for more details.
The project status is as follows:
1) The site plan has been found in compliance with applicable Land Use Ordinance provisions, with some flexibility noted in relation to screening, and tree canopy. A resolution approving the site plan is provided (Attachment A); and
2) The design development cost estimate is approximately $1M higher than the current project budget of $27,638,255.00. The value engineering process to reduce costs is ongoing; and
3) An updated capital project ordinance that increases the project budget to reflect the current level of County funding from March is provided (Attachment B). After value engineering is complete, should ongoing cost estimating and bidding later in the year result in a project cost exceeding the budget amount, the project ordinance will be updated accordingly
Town Council members and a member of the public had questions and comments during the hearing. Follow-up questions and comments included the following:
1. Should the Town set a maximum project cost, above which a decision to adjust scope or schedule would be made?
2. What are ways for the Town to be prepared to deal with cost overruns, such as adjustments to CIP scheduling of other items, use of ARPA funding, increase in debt period, seeking climate action and other funding?
3. Solar arrays should be included in the project, not identified as additional/alternate items.
4. See if the bike lane along the S. Greensboro Street frontage can be retained, rather than a lane with sharrow.
5. Make sure there is enough parking in the downtown for businesses.
6. Minimize/mitigate construction impacts so they are least detrimental to business operations.
7. Be sure it is safe for bikes to travel on the ramps in the parking deck.
8. Check distance between inverted ‘U’ bike racks and try to get to Association of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Professionals (APBP) recommended spacing of 3.5 to 4 feet between each rack.
Staff are reviewing these comments and questions and working with design and construction management consultants, and outside agencies where needed, and will report back to the Town Council with responses.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: As described, the current DD plan set cost estimate exceeds the project budget. Value engineering review continues. The final project cost will be determined through and in the construction bidding process.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the resolution and updated capital project ordinance.