TITLE: Title
Update on the Process for Developing a Parking Management Plan
PURPOSE: This agenda follows up on the Board of Aldermen's resolution on November 12, 2013, relating to developing a scope for a parking management plan.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Jeff Brubaker - 918-7329
INFORMATION: On November 12, 2013, the Board of Aldermen received a staff report on a scope, issues, potential strategies, and next steps for completing a parking plan. The Board adopted a resolution receiving the report and asking that staff consider the comments Board members provided during the discussion portion of the agenda item. The Board also adopted a resolution approving of staff communicating with the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC-MPO) regarding potential assistance and coordination on the development of a parking plan.
A draft revised scope is provided in Attachment B. The scope will eventually be incorporated into the Request for Proposals (RFP) for consulting services. This agenda item is only an update and an opportunity for the Board to provide further comments. At the time of this writing, staff are still finalizing notes from the participant feedback at the January 31 Parking Summit.
A document that summarizes Board of Aldermen comments from the November 12 meeting and provides a staff response is provided in Attachment C.
Attachment D provides correspondence between Town staff and MPO staff in regard to a request for funding for the plan. The MPO staff concur with including $120,000 in the FY14-15 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for the parking plan; the allocation will be formalized when the UPWP is adopted by the MPO Transportation Advisory Committee, usually occurring in the spring. This allocation would require a non-federal match (20%) of $30,000, for a total allocation of $150,000 for the plan. It also means that the process would need to adhere to federal grant and p...
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