TITLE: Title
Consideration of Proposed Text Amendment to the Land Use Ordinance Relating to Satellite Parking
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town Council to consider a proposed text amendment to the Land Use Ordinance that would modify the regulations relating to the use of satellite parking. A draft ordinance has been prepared.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon - 919-918-7325, cmoon@townofcarrboro.org; Marty Roupe - 919-918-7333, mroupe@townofcarrboro.org; Patricia McGuire - 919-918-7327, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org; Jon Hartman-Brown, 919-918-7319, jhartman-brown@townofcarrboro.org; Nick Herman - 919-929-3905, gnherman@broughlawfirm.com
INFORMATION: On June 15, 2021, the Town Council held a public hearing on a draft ordinance with two options for amending the Land Use Ordinance provisions relating to use of satellite parking. (Meeting materials may be found at the following link: Town of Carrboro - Meeting of Town Council on 6/15/2021 at 7:00 PM (legistar.com)) The request for the text amendment was submitted by Chris Baldwin of 401 Main in association with an application for a zoning permit (Attachment D).
After discussion the Council expressed a preference for option B, which places the amendment in Section 15-299 of the LUO and includes criteria for applicability. The Council also requested that staff provide a follow-up report on the outcome of the amendment approximately two years after adoption (June/September 2023). A separate resolution has been provided to formally make that request (Attachment C).
The proposed amendment was referred Orange County, presented to the Joint Advisory Board meeting on June 3rd, presented to the Economic Sustainability Commission on June 9th. Comments are provided (Attachment E).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: The applicant has submitted the application fee for this amendment and notice has been published. No extraordinary costs have occurre...
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