TITLE: Title
A Discussion About Reparations Part II
PURPOSE: The purpose of this work session item is for the Town Council to continue the discussion about reparations.
DEPARTMENT: Town Management
CONTACT INFORMATION: Anita Jones-McNair, Recreation Parks and Cultural Director- Race and Equity Officer, amcnair@townfocarrboro.org - 919.918.7381
INFORMATION: The Town Council first discussed the topic of reparations on September 1, 2020. The discussion involved a national perspective and how zoning and governance decisions still impact life in Carrboro. The Council unanimously voted to devote a work session acknowledging the past, how to define reparations and consider a plan of action moving forward.
Some of the materials included in this packet was shared during the earlier discussion. What is new includes - the definition of oppression, Durham, North Carolina in the list of jurisdictions that developed a reparations plan and timeline of racial injustice.
It is important to have a common understanding of terms when discussing racial equity work. Hopefully the following definitions can help in the discussion:
Institutional racism - GARE defines Institutional Racism as policies or practices that work better for White people than for people of color, often unintentionally or inadvertently.
Oppression - prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. *
Racial equity - The Center for Social Inclusion defines Racial Equity "As both an outcome and a process. As an outcome, we achieve racial equity when race no longer determines one's socioeconomic outcomes; when everyone has what they need to thrive, no matter where they live. As a process, we apply racial equity when those most impacted by structural racial inequity are meaningfully involved in the creation and implementation of the institutional policies and practices that impact their lives.
Racism - the belief that different races possess distinct characterist...
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