TITLE: Title
Public Hearing: Special Use Permit-A for New Commercial Building at 201 North Greensboro Street.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Town Council to hold a public hearing on Special Use Permit-A application for new Commercial Building at 201 North Greensboro Street.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT INFORMATION: James Thomas- Planner/Zoning Development Specialist Phone: 919-918-7335 Email: jthomas@carrboronc.gov
INFORMATION: CJT PA have submitted an application for a Special Use Permit-A (SUP-A) to allow for the construction of a new three story mixed use building on the properties addressed as 201 North Greensboro Street and 100 Center Street.
The two properties included in the request are currently zoned B1C and B2 and the property addressed as 201 North Greensboro Street has the Downtown Neighborhood Protection (DNP) Overlay. The properties are identified as Orange County parcel identification numbers 9778-86-4587 and 9778-86-2555.
The property addressed as 201 North Greensboro Street will have the new three story building constructed on it while the property addressed as 100 Center Street will be the main parking area.
The total square footage of the new building will be 16,186 square feet in size and have a total of forty-one (41) parking spaces associated with the new building.
A staff report, permit plans, and other supporting materials are attached (Attachments A-G).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Impacts associated with holding the hearing are legal, engineering and staff time.
RECOMMENDATION:r Town staff recommends that the Town Council receive information, hold a public hearing, and consider whether to approve the Special Use Permit-A application. Staff recommended conditions are included below and the CUP worksheet is attached (Attachment F):
1. That the applicant must obtain driveway permits from either NCDOT or the Town of Carrboro Public Works prior to construction plan approval.
2. That the applic...
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